XX/06/2022 – Relocation from Greece to Germany: Relief for the Hotspot System or Alibi Policy?

In this report, borderline-europe, Borderline Sicilia, Flüchtlingsrat Berlin, Sea-Watch and Equal Rights Beyond Borders. critically examine the ‘solidarity’ solution propagated by the EU for the arrival and redistribution of people detained in so-called hot-spot camps in Greece. They focus on the extent to which this procedure allows people seeking protection to preserve their autonomy as well as to escape situations of extreme insecurity. What does relocation offer people seeking protection within the EU to arrive and build a future? Does European asylum policy also relieve the burden on asylum seekers or is relocation exclusively about relieving the burden on EU member states that
are located at an external border of the Schengen area due to the Dublin Regulation?

Read the full report here!