Call For Action Against Pushbacks July 2d

The so-called “refugee crisis” seems to be coming to an end. But this change is neither due to improved conditions in the countries from which displaced people are coming, nor a better handling by European countries. On the contrary, there is a cruel cost of this relaxation: Pushbacks. And pushbacks mean extreme violence and murder. Join us on Sappho Square, the second of July!

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XX/01/2019 – #NotMyCamps: Against the deprivation of rights of people seeking protection

Report of Pro Asyl on how the number of refugees is ever increasing, and how the EU continues to tighten their defence measures against people seeking protection. Deterrence, detention and isolation in camps – that is the response to people fleeing violence, injustice and oppression. Undoubtedly it makes a huge difference to individuals affected whether they find themselves in a Libyan torture camp, a miserable EU hotspot, or a German »AnkER« centre, where they can demand their human rights to be respected. But no matter which camps we are talking about: an end must be put to the internment and isolation of people seeking protection. Camps are places of control, stigmatisation, humiliation and violence – strategies used in an attempt to deny asylum to those seeking protection. The common foundation of Europe’s democratic societies is under threat. EU member states must guarantee individual human rights. Camps are unworthy of a society committed to human rights.

Read the full report here