02/11/2023 – In Plain Sight: the human cost of migration policies and violent practices at Greek sea borders

This report draws on operational and aggregated medical data, patient testimonies, and observations of staff that Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) gathered between August 2021 and July 2023. It builds on an existing body of accounts of violence and pushbacks at Greece’s borders, and highlights the physical and psychological suffering, as well as the life-threatening risks, endured by those seeking safety and protection in Greece.

Read the full report here!

Another deadly week of border violence in the Aegean Sea

During the last months we have seen the Greek State mentioning how efficiently they are rescuing people from the sea, and after the Pylos shipwreck it seemed like the authorities had changed their methods when it comes to pushbacks. It was noticed that there were hardly any life rafts found by the Turkish Coast Guard during summer, this could indicate that most probably there were not many pushbacks from land. But in fact, the border violence in Greece, and especially in the Aegean Sea, is still ongoing. In the last week alone, at least five incidents (where 6 people died and 1 is missing) of border violence made the news in the Aegean islands.

Continue reading Another deadly week of border violence in the Aegean Sea